Thursday, August 27, 2009

Mon, August 31

Book choice?

Lousie Rosenblatt: Check the resources listed on the right.

Considering Rosenblatt

p. 16—“The average student spontaneously tends to pass judgment on the actions of characters encountered in fiction.”—Consider Chopin’s “The Storm”

p. 33—What role should imposing literary standards onto students play in our ELA classrooms?

p. 47—What is the relationship between “literary creation” and “literary experience”?

p. 55—What is “understanding” in relationship to text/literature? How might that be demonstrated BY students FOR teachers?

pp. 57-58—Is appreciating literature as a student effective as a spectator sport?

p. 60—How is Rosenblatt’s criticism of ineffective literature study a microcosm of larger educational problems?

p. 64—Even though her work originates from 1938, what does Rosenblatt suggest about classroom environment and the form of student writing about literature?

p. 65—“The little formula provided by the teacher as a guide had instead divorced the youngster from her actual experience of the novel.”

pp. 68-69—Among whom should classroom discussions of literature be conducted?

pp.70-71—Literature as goal, or literature as experience?

p. 78. . .—“What, then, does the adolescent bring to literature?”

p. 92—Distinguishing for students the need to create meaning from the text OUT, instead of imposing meaning ONTO the text—

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