Monday, July 28, 2008


EDU 351/EDRD 748—Literature for Young Adults (4 hours undergraduate credit; 3 hours graduate credit)

Instructor Paul Thomas, EdD
Office 101 F Hipp Hall
Phone 294.3386
Class Room Hipp Hall 107
Time Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:45-7:15 pm



Thomas, P. L. (2007). Reading, learning, teaching Margaret Atwood. New York: Peter Lang.

Moore, A., & Lloyd, D. (1989). V for vendetta. New York: Vertigo.

Rosenblatt, L. M. (1995). Literature as exploration. 5th ed. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

One novel of your choice by Margaret Atwood

Two YA works of your choice

Department Vision Statement
The teacher education program at Furman University prepares educators who are scholars and leaders.

Mission of the Program
Furman University prepares teachers and administrators to use effective pedagogy, reflect critically on the practice of teaching, promote human dignity, and exemplify ethical and democratic principles. Furman is committed to a program of teacher education that calls for collaborative, interdependent efforts throughout the academic community.

In keeping with the mission of the teacher education program, we emphasize:

• Knowledge of subject matter
• Philosophical, historical, and sociological foundations of education
• Human development and learning
• Social/cultural relationships
• Curriculum development, instruction and assessment
• Critical inquiry and reflection on teaching and learning
• Leadership
• Communication skills

Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Skills, and Dispositions

The Teacher Education Program of Furman University prepares educators who are scholars and leaders, based on the following propositions:

1. Educators who are scholars and leaders demonstrate mastery of content essential for intellectual competence. (CONTENT KNOWLEDGE) They:

a. have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals and concepts of their discipline
b. know and can implement national/state/district curricula and learning standards
c. understand the interrelationship of curriculum, instruction, and assessment

2. Educators who are scholars and leaders use evidence-based practice for effective teaching and communication. (PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS) They:

a. articulate their own philosophy of education and use it to guide their practice
b. demonstrate effective long- and short- range planning strategies, using
their knowledge of human development to promote learning
c. establish and maintain high expectations for all students
d. use a variety of assessments to inform instruction that reflect the way cultural, ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, and exceptionality issues affect student learning
e. relate disciplinary knowledge across the curriculum
f. demonstrate ethical use of current educational technologies to enhance instruction, assessment, and student performance
g. make subject matter meaningful to all students through use of accurate and current content from multiple sources
h. monitor student learning and adjust practice based on knowledge of student interests, abilities, experiences, and peer relationships
i. create, nurture, and maintain a sense of democratic community in the classroom, using effective and appropriate classroom management strategies to promote student responsibility for behavior
j. use appropriate organization and time management strategies
k. demonstrate respectful and productive communications with families and other care-givers representing diverse groups
l. communicate with professional competence, orally and in writing
m. inquire about and reflect on curricula, the nature of learning and teaching, and their own practice for professional self-renewal
n. demonstrate initiative to extend responsibilities beyond the classroom and into the school and community
o. engage in collaborative work with colleagues, other professionals, and community members

3. Educators who are scholars and leaders are caring and thoughtful individuals who respond to the needs and experiences of students and others with whom they interact. (DISPOSITIONS) They:

a. respect and value all students and others for their diverse talents, abilities, perspectives, and contributions
b. are sensitive to community and cultural norms
c. are timely, respectful, and responsible in meeting expectations
d. use suggestions by other professionals to meet challenges and improve practice
e. reflect critically and consistently on their own attitudes and actions
f. exemplify passionate commitment to teaching and continuous learning
g. commit to educational renewal through active professional involvement
h. model ethical and democratic principles in all relationships
i. use sound judgment and display confidence in practice
j. are advocates for students’ well being

(Based on INTASC, 1992; NBPTS, 1989; and ADEPT, 1999 standards)

Course Description

Exploration of the content of the secondary ELA classroom and pedagogical practices related to the teaching of poetry, short stories, traditional literature, nonfiction and novels written for the young adolescent. Selections also include multicultural exposure for students through a variety of genres.
(NCATE ELA standards addressed: 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.8, 3.2.4, 3.3.3, 3.4.3,,,,,, 4.1, 4.5)

Expectations for the quality and amount of academic work completed by graduate students at Furman University are higher than those for undergraduate students. These higher expectations are maintained in graduate courses and in courses that enroll both graduate and undergraduate students.

Goals and Objectives

This course will address—

• language arts instruction
• a respect for the worth and contributions of all learners
• becoming familiar with their own and other cultures
• the impact that culture, societal events and issues have on teachers, students, the E/LA curriculum, and education in general
• promoting the arts and humanities in the daily lives of students through literacy instruction
• the impact of cultural, economic, political, and social environments upon language
• the diversity in language use, patterns, and dialects across cultures, ethnic groups, geographic regions, and societal roles
• the various purposes for which language is used
• using writing, visual images, and speaking for a variety of purposes and audiences
• using a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts
• how written discourse can influence thought and action
• works from a range of cultures, genres, female authors, authors of color, and written for older children and young adults
• how to examine, evaluate, and select resources, such as textbooks, other print materials, video, film, recordings, and software, that support the teaching of English language arts
• creating learning environments that promote respect for and support of individual differences of ethnicity, race, language, culture, gender, and ability

Broadly, this course will explore these major concepts as follows:

Students will address—

• the role of YA lit in the curriculum—and the state standards
• assessment of students’ literary understandings
• the connection between adolescent development and the literary canon
• creating a student-centered literature course of study
• finding and reviewing scholarly work on YA lit
• best practice in literature instruction and assessment for adolescents
• addressing issues of academic freedom and censorship in literature study

As well, assignments should address directly these NCTE standards in this course:

Standard 2.2. Candidates use ELA to help their students become familiar with their own and others’ cultures.

Standard 2.5. Candidates make meaningful connections between the ELA curriculum and developments in culture, society, and education.

Standard 3.2. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of the practices of oral, visual, and written literacy.

Standard 3.5. Candidates demon¬strate knowledge of, and uses for, an extensive range of literature.

Standard 3.6. Candidates demon¬strate knowledge of the range and influence of print and nonprint media and technology in contemporary culture.

Standard 4.6. Candidates engage students in critical analysis of different media and communi¬cations technologies.


[ ] Attendance and class participation are crucial both to your learning in the course and the learning of the entire class. Failure to participate fully during class meetings and with class assignments along with any absences will negatively affect your final grade for the course.

[ ] Read and discuss Atwood and YA novels chosen as part of instructional units.

[ ] You are required to complete all readings—including the required texts and supplemental works handed out during the course. Following the course outline of required readings of the two major texts, email an e-journal prior to each class meeting that reflects a thoughtful response to the reading.

[ ] Prepare an original group presentation (incorporate technology of your choice) concerning YA lit and issues of culture; oral, visual, and written literacy; expanding the canon; and nonprint media and technology. (NCTE 2.2, 2.5, 3.2 3.5 3.6 4.6). This presentation should be no more than 20 minutes long (and no shorter than 16 minutes). The format and rubric for the presentation will be designed in class within the first few weeks.

[ ] This group presentation should be accompanied by an individual inquiry essay dealing with the same issues. This essay should be in proper APA format.

[ ] Young Adult Literature Unit. See appendix at end of the syllabus.

[ ] At the end of the course, each student must submit a portfolio of the term’s work which has materials organized and includes a reflection about the contents of the portfolio and how it may be used in future instructional settings.

Evaluation and Grading

Assignments and expectations listed above have not been labeled with weights or percentages. The work students complete in this course will be assessed cumulatively and holistically; individual assignments will not be weighted and averaged, as is traditionally practiced. All work may be revised as desired by the student, as agreed upon by the professor, and as term time limits allow.

Work and commitments to this course should be of the highest academic and professional quality. Late or incomplete work will be addressed at the end of the course—not on individual grades for individual assignments. Further, individual grades for group work will reflect both the effort of each individual in the group and the ultimate quality of the group assignment.

Furman University, the Education Department, and the professor are strongly committed to students performing as scholars while in all their courses. Such a commitment means that we expect the highest standards in written and oral performances—including a student’s understanding and application of academic honesty and scholarly documentation of all work. In this course, students will be expected to follow American Psychological Association (APA; 5th ed.) guidelines. Help for writing, presenting, and documentation will be provided by the professor and additional documenting help may be found at

All grading and evaluation procedures for this course may be discussed more fully by contacting the professor for a face-to-face explanation—though much of this will be covered as a natural part of the course content as well.

All grading policies of Furman University and Graduate Studies are in effect.

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